Day 351 of Staying the Fuck Inside With the caveat that I haven’t been out to a club in years: I’m playing some EDM at the moment.… Continue reading “Day 351 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 348 of Staying the Fuck Inside The past comes back, yet again. I suppose one of the problems with doing a large scale research project (aka… Continue reading “Day 348 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 345 of (mostly) Staying the Fuck Inside Kiddo had a gig today, and it was a joy to see him performing Creep by Radiohead and Crazy Train… Continue reading “Day 345 of (mostly) Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 343 of Staying the Fuck Inside There is a statement attributed to Jabir Ibn Abd’Allah, a companion of the Prophet (alayhi as-salām), about returning from the… Continue reading “Day 343 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 339 of (mostly) Staying the Fuck Inside Yesterday was a rare day of venturing out. Numbers have been down, we took a day trip to San Francisco.… Continue reading “Day 339 of (mostly) Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 328 of Staying the Fuck Inside With the massive influx/return of our beloved crows, we have discovered something interesting about the current murder. They have an… Continue reading “Day 328 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 324 of Staying the Fuck Inside Things have eased up a little in Sonoma County, and we cautiously (and with an abundance of precautionary wardrobe) took… Continue reading “Day 324 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 319 of Staying the Fuck Inside A brief moment of hope this morning, as there was (an albeit small) chance of snow flurries. I haven’t been… Continue reading “Day 319 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…