Day 37 of Staying the Fuck Inside (part 2)

I am very grateful that kiddo is okay (if not a bit tired of it) with staying the fuck inside.

Am I being a nosy neighbor?


But today, already, I’ve seen people without masks (despite a county order) letting their small children (maybe 2 and 4 years old) run around willy-niily outside, also without masks.

I just saw a couple pushing a stroller with an infant in it. No mask for baby. No mask for mom. Dad’s mask wasn’t on his face, just dangling around his neck.

This is the second time I’ve seen that happen.

Our numbers here have been mercifully low.

I think a lot of us would like to keep them that way.

Maybe I’m the asshole, but I don’t see how behavior like this is going to help.

Others may feel invincible.

I do not.