Inadvertant Poetry Slam on BART

Whilst riding BART today, there was an angry, earnest African-American gentleman who felt the need to serenade the entire train car with the following poem. Or, maybe he was channeling Wesley Willis.  I’m not sure.  But here goes:

One day, son…you could be like ME!
Cadillac! Rolls Royce! Jaguar!
One day, son…you could be like ME!
Cadillac! El Dorado! Saville! Coupe de Ville! Rolls Royce!

I sell my DICK! I don’t give it away!
I sell my DICK! I don’t give it away!
One day, son…you could be like ME!

Richmond, New York!
Richmond, Virginia!
Richmond, California!

One day, son…you could be like ME!
but I don’t think so.
One day, son…you could be like ME!
but I don’t think so.

I sell my DICK! I don’t give it away!
I sell my DICK! I don’t give it away!

Suck it.
Suck it down!

I sell my DICK! I don’t give it away!
One day, son…you could be like ME!
but I don’t think so.