Day 163 of Staying the Fuck Inside
One of my cinematic loves is Japanese monster movies.
I pre-ordered this on Amazon the day it was announced.
Then Deep Discount seduced me away with a better offer, made even sweeter with another discount on top of it. I canceled my Amazon order and ordered it on Deep Discount.
It came out last week. And Deep Discount canceled my order, because they oversold their allotment.
And Amazon is out of stock.
Fortuitously, Amazon UK had some, and with the currency conversion and expedited shipping, the cost worked out to within $5.00 of what I was refunded from Deep Discount.
It’s supposed to arrive tomorrow.
I need my Gamera fix.
So shit BETTER remain quiet tonight and tomorrow, and the fires will be put out and we can go back to just dealing with the pandemic anxiety.
Because I’m telling myself I got the last one.
And I need to watch these with the kiddo.