Day 456 of Staying the Fuck Inside In the early days of hip-hop, you had such luminaries as Grandmaster Flash, Rock Master Scott, Jam Master Jay, and… Continue reading “Day 456 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 421 of Staying the Fuck Inside We went to Horrorstör today. A few weeks back, we decided that we would do some rearranging of the domicile.… Continue reading “Day 421 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 403 of Staying the Fuck Inside Long ago, a former version of me took an interest in a certain Mr. Aleister Crowley. I can trace this… Continue reading “Day 403 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 397 of Staying the Fuck Inside Lady ModernaFlowing through my veinsWonder how you manage to give me pains It cost no moneyI’m feeling really spentNow inside… Continue reading “Day 397 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 396 of Staying the Fuck Inside Moderna #2 is a bitch. And I love her. But holy crap, wow. Continue reading “Day 396 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 376 of Staying the Fuck Inside Cases have been dropping steadily, with a large boost in “Recovered” yesterday. The last time we had 738 total active… Continue reading “Day 376 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 371 of Staying the Fuck Inside Amanda: I’m ordering some things from Whole Foods. I’m 50 cents shy of getting free delivery. Can you think of… Continue reading “Day 371 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
Day 365 of Staying the Fuck Inside Well, then. It’s been a year. I thought for certain that I’d have some kind of deeply insightful musings or… Continue reading “Day 365 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…