Day 68 of Staying the Fuck Inside This many days of working at the dining room table have begun to take their toll a little bit. I’ve… Continue reading “Day 68 of Staying the Fuck Inside”…
(Almost) 10 years after the Fall Osama bin Laden is dead. I had hoped that he would be captured alive. I would have preferred a trial.… Continue reading “(Almost) 10 years after the Fall”…
Dream – 4/24/10 I had a long conversation with a ferryboat driver about a blind co-worker of hers, who had accidentally put her… Continue reading “Dream – 4/24/10”…
Dreams – 9/10/01 I was “there”, of course. Not terribly surprising in and of itself, but I think I’ve come to a few important… Continue reading “Dreams – 9/10/01”…
Dreams – 9/9/01 In my dream, my father owned a very large farm. One thing I’ve noticed, is that structures and buildings tend… Continue reading “Dreams – 9/9/01”…
Dreams – 8/30/01 I was Iggy Pop. But a much younger, and less scarred Iggy Pop. My band and I were performing a… Continue reading “Dreams – 8/30/01”…
Dreams – 8/10/01 I’d been part of a newscast on NPR. I was a reporter, but also a Scottish vampire-type immortal thingie. I… Continue reading “Dreams – 8/10/01”…
Dreams – 6/22/01 In my dream, I’m playing with the dog, when suddenly, he collapses. What makes this even weirder is, he starts… Continue reading “Dreams – 6/22/01”…